You do not need to apply for our certificate if you simply wish to claim your seven hours of professional development.
However, if you want our endorsed certificate for ten hours, you will need to:
To post to the blog, the simplest way is to compose in your word processor and paste into the blog.
Best wishes from Ray and Rosalie.
We look forward to seeing you at our other programs.
However, if you want our endorsed certificate for ten hours, you will need to:
- Read an article relevant to the topic (you may use one of the articles listed on the blog, but you may also use your own reference)
- Post a 4-600 word reflection to the blog, or alternatively email the reflection to Ray at
- If you email your reflection, please indicate if you give your permission for your reflection to be posted to the blog, to contribute to group discussion of the topic.
- The reflection should discuss the application of one or more focused strategies to a case (disguised for privacy) or case situation. We are flexible as to how you discuss the material.
- Remember that this is a public blog, which van be read by anyone, so any case discussion should be disguised and generic.
To post to the blog, the simplest way is to compose in your word processor and paste into the blog.
To open a box to paste into, just find the word "comments" at the end of this blog and click on it. A box will open that you can paste your reflection into.
Don't forget to include your name.
Don't forget to include your name.
Best wishes from Ray and Rosalie.
We look forward to seeing you at our other programs.
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