Val’s reflection:
I have worked with many clients with a variety of presenting issues
over the years, I have never worked with couples. I decided to attend
this workshop
because although there is only one person in the room with me, ‘the
relationship’ is often also present in the session. For a while now I
have wondered how to adequately address and provide time in therapy for
working on relationship issues, which were clearly
impacting on the individual and the issues they sought therapy for. It
was thus very heartening to hear Michelle Weiner Davis’s resounding ‘it
takes one to tango’ in starting to realise that in fact effective work
could occur. How issues are raised in the
relationship, how one partner communicates with the other and taking
time to identify their own goals for the relationship are all relevant
steps in beginning to make positive changes in relationships and these
can all start with one person.
can see how I will use other information covered in the workshop,
particularly much of what Gottman’s research has contributed to this
area. To appreciate
the level of difference that exists and disagreement that is likely to
remain in the relationship was elucidating. For one it highlighted the
need to avoid becoming stuck on problem-solving strategies when working
with relationship issues. This and the negative
interaction cycle in particular, illustrated for me the importance of
integrating ‘acceptance work’, even if using more traditional
behavioural couple therapy. How using strategies that encourage
increased understanding and acceptance of each others emotional
experience will inherently assist to combat the negative behavioural
patterns that have become the predominant interaction provides me with a
thoughtful way of understanding relationship issues. Further, articles
by Christensen and Jacobson in which they examined
differences and similarities between integrative behavioural couple
therapy and traditional behavioural couple therapy and specific research
examining the effectiveness of IBCT were of considerable interest. The
fact that changes in behaviour were also seen
in couple who completed the acceptance strategies was particularly
interesting and made me think about what really drives lasting behaviour
to illustrate the application of the IBCT approach I will briefly
discuss an existing client. I have been working with this client for an
addiction issue and the last month in particular has focused on relapse
prevention following his decision to quit his addiction. His
relationship had become a topic in therapy because of his partner’s
choice to continue to use when he decided to stop. The
addiction was an activity they had for many years enjoyed together. In
therapy to date we had explored the impact on him of her decision, the
difficulties this created in the relationship and the need for his
understanding that she needed to get to that decision
on her own. In our last session I introduced the idea that this choice,
this difference between them may in fact not be resolved. This
facilitated a healthy discussion about what that would mean for him, for
his decision to remain abstinent and for their relating.
Although difficult for him to consider initially, by the end of the
session he had begun to identify preparatory steps he could use to begin
to manage this given the importance it placed on his own decision. It
moved work with this client from a slightly stalled
place of focusing on his partner and her choices, to a place of him
beginning to consider what the relationship would be like and what it
would mean to him if this difference remained between them. With much
still to learn and put into practice, I am encouraged
about the knowledge and resources available for working with
relationship issues, with or without both parties.
Val Markovska
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